Facilities Management
Types of equipment include HVAC, water treatment systems as well as balance of plant. We offer a private labeled solution to these organizations that they can deliver to their end user.
Critical Assets to Monitor
Facilities Management is an often over-looked industry in terms of Predictive Maintenance (PdM) and Reliability Services, generally due to a “non-industrial” appearance. Data centers, commercial buildings and similar facilities handle millions of dollars daily for merchandise purchasing, credit card and banking transactions, stock markets, and information technology. The process equipment behind the scenes necessary to maintain these is not unlike any other industrial manufacturing facility. UPS Power Systems, HVAC Fans and Blowers, Steam & Chiller Plant support equipment such as Boiler Feed Pumps, Air Compressors, Chillers and Water Pumps, as well as Cooling Towers and Generator Sets are just some of the critical equipment necessary to maintain uptime in a facility.
Best Condition Maintenance Technologies to Apply• Vibration Analysis presents the first line of defense technology applied facility-wide throughout these types of facilities as most equipment has standard rolling element bearings. Vibration analysis provides the widest spectrum of deliverable and actionable results versus and the cost of the technology.
• Motor Testing has specific uses on larger motors, used best in specific cases. Larger support equipment can benefit from annual motor testing to warn of any instances where a core loss situation or other electrical issues not able to be detected by vibration could arise.
• Infrared Thermography falls into the same category as motor testing, most electrically driven equipment is small, therefore the MCC buckets and voltages are lower. It is recommended to have at least one annual IR scan of MCC’s. Infrared plays a key role in determining issues with MCC buckets and other higher voltage systems.
• Oil Analysis has a minimal role in data center facilities, due to the general lack of gearboxes and hydraulic systems, however , there are instances on larger support equipment such as chillers and certain steam driven equipment as well as diesel generator sets where oil analysis should be applied.
With the proper PdM program put in place, you can limit the potential for catastrophic loss of revenue if a data center facility were to experience any unexpected down time. Specifying the appropriate PdM Technologies for specific Facilities will greatly reduce or eliminate unplanned downtime, thereby maintaining maximum uptime and profitability.